Puppies are learning every minute of every day.

While it seems we need to let them grow up to “really learn something,” the leadership you are establishing from the very first day with your new puppy is the most important skill to master when you are bringing your new pup home.

for a little more than the price of 1 private lesson, you’ll receive 7 easy to implement video-based lessons, including written detailed instruction


Unlock the Secrets to Raising a Well-Behaved Dog and Puppy 

Want to stop your dog/puppies, bad habits of jumping barking, unruly behavior, and more? Create the foundation you both need and use for a lifetime with specialized coaching and mentorship from Shannon Walker, The Pack Leader!

  • Instant Access to 7 Video Training Modules for puppies

  • Downloadable Guides

  • Bonus: 2 Tricks to Get Your Dog to Listen in 5 Minutes

Puppies are learning about respect and pack order from the minute they are born. When the pup leaves the litter and enters its new home, the new ‘pack,’ it is instantly looking for who will be the leader, if the human doesn’t establish that position, the puppy will quickly fall into that role.

Man’s Best Friend offers a 1 hour session helping the owner gain the skills to set their puppy up on the right path.

Puppy Evaluations focus on:

  • Crate training

  • House breaking

  • No biting/jumping

  • Proper feeding ritual/technique

  • Affection sharing and what you are creating

  • The pitfalls of humanizing your pup

  • Discuss future goals and success strategy

MBF’S Puppy Evaluation Sessions $200/hr.

Additional support material is provided for the handler to take home and read at their convenience.

Once the Puppy Evaluation has been completed, phone consultations are also available in support of the ongoing training and education process.

I can't thank Shannon and her staff at Man's Best Friend for all they did with Jorge and his training. it was exceptional. I can use the skills Shannon shared with me to keep Jorge and myself on track. I would recommend this program to everyone.